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GWG Terms of Reference

This Terms of Reference (ToR):

(a) Acknowledges the GWG was a Technical Working Group under the authority of Joint Enterprise Standards Committee (JESC) and in compliance with DoD and IC policy.
 (b) Describes the relationship between the National Geospatial Intelligence Committee (GEOCOM) and the Geospatial Intelligence Standards Working Group (GWG) as a standing group that collaborates with but is not subordinate to the GEOCOM Intelligence Information Systems & Architecture Subcommittee (GISA) to assist and advise the GEOINT Functional Manager in exercising their obligations and responsibilities.  
(c) The GWG serves as the National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG) advisory body for advancing and enabling GEOINT standards.  
(d) Recognizes that the Director, NGA, serving concurrently as the Defense Intelligence Enterprise Manager (DIEM) for GEOINT and the IC Functional Manager for GEOINT, hereinafter referred to as the GEOINT Functional Manager (GFM), is responsible to lead and provide functional management guidance to the NSG, including the issuance of doctrine, standards, policies, directives, and procedures required for GEOINT.

National Center for Geospatial Intelligence Standards (NCGIS)

The NCGIS was established as an entity within NGA in 2002 in order to create a cohesive GEOINT Standards Program to carry out NGA’s functional management responsibilities for GEOINT. The mission of the NCGIS is to effectively manage GEOINT standards activities across the NSG community and within NGA itself by promoting the development, implementation and management of GEOINT and other related standards that enable optimum system and data interoperability. Where possible, the NCGIS fosters the development and use of community developed consensus-based standards to achieve these interoperability goals.

GWG Member Organizations

GWG Activities

At least annually, typically the afternoon after a voting meeting, open to all GWG participants and Associate member representatives
Presentation of requirements for GEOINT standards by Core Member Representatives
Informational topics by Core Members, Associates, guests

Usually two or three times per year
Consensus for adopting GEOINT standards and subsequent submittal for JESC endorsement and citation in the joint DoD and IC Enterprise Standards Baseline (ESB), hosted in the DoD IT Standards Registry (DISR) and posted on JWICS
GEOINT standards adopted as emerging or mandated (acquisition-binding for use in new systems and significant upgrades)
Voting by Core (U.S. federal agencies) Member Representatives only
Open to all GWG participants and Associate member representatives

Technical level: SMEs meet as needed throughout the year
Sponsor adoption recommendations to the GWG
May establish single-topic technical working groups when narrow focus is warranted

Associated Document(s)

Terms of Reference (ToR) National System for Geospatial Intelligence Geospatial Intelligence Standards Working Group (GWG)
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Geospatial Intelligence Standards: Introduction
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Geospatial Intelligence Standards: Part 1: Standards Fundamentals
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Geospatial Intelligence Standards: Part 2: Overview of GEOINT Standards
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Geospatial Intelligence Standards: Part 3: Managing GEOINT Standards
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