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Standards, Registries & Related Links

Standards Registries

  • NSGREG - The National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG) Standards Registry supports the discovery, traceability, and lifecycle management of GEOINT Standards that may be used in the development and operation of data- and net-centric GEOINT applications:

    For a snapshot of the GEOINT Standards that are managed by the GWG and cited in the current DoD IT Standards Registry (DISR) baseline, go to  DoD / IC Joint Enterprise Standards Baseline and click on Pocket Guide.
  • DISR - The DoD Information Technology Standards Registry (DISR) is the single, unifying DoD registry for approved information technology (IT) and national security systems (NSS) standards and standards profiles that is managed by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). The DISR Baseline lists IT Standards that are mandated for use in the DoD Acquisition process. The DISR can be accessed at with a DoD Common Access Card (CAC) and an account.
  • ASSIST - Acquisition Streamlining and Standardization Information System (ASSIST) is a robust, comprehensive web site used by standardization management activities to develop, coordinate, distribute, and manage defense and federal specifications and standards, military handbooks, commercial item descriptions, data item descriptions, and related technical documents prepared in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Defense Standardization Program (DSP). Besides DoD-prepared documents, ASSIST also has selected international standardization agreements, such as NATO standards ratified by the United States and International Test Operating Procedures.
  • - is administered by the Standards Coordination Office (SCO) at NIST.
    This site provides:
    • information about the use of documentary standards and conformity assessment activities in the Federal government;
    • background materials and resources on the standards landscape that are useful for industry and academia; and
    • useful standards and conformity assessment information freely available to the general public.

Compliance Assessment

  • GFMSA - GEOINT Functional Manager Standards Assessment.  The GEOINT Functional Manager Standards Assessment (GFMSA) program defines and implements NSG methods and processes to assess and assert Information Technology (IT) conformance to GEOINT data and service standards.  (DoD Common Access Card (CAC) required)